The following code example is taken from the book
C++ Templates - The Complete Guide, 2nd Edition
by David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, and Douglas Gregor,
Addison-Wesley, 2017
© Copyright David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis, Douglas Gregor 2017
#include "isvalid.hpp"
int main()
using namespace std;
cout << boolalpha;
// define to check for data member first:
constexpr auto hasFirst
= isValid([](auto x) -> decltype((void)valueT(x).first) {
cout << "hasFirst: " << hasFirst(type<pair<int,int>>) << '\n'; // true
// define to check for member type size_type:
constexpr auto hasSizeType
= isValid([](auto x) -> typename decltype(valueT(x))::size_type {
struct CX {
using size_type = std::size_t;
cout << "hasSizeType: " << hasSizeType(type<CX>) << '\n'; // true
if constexpr(!hasSizeType(type<int>)) {
cout << "int has no size_type\n";
// define to check for <:
constexpr auto hasLess
= isValid([](auto x, auto y) -> decltype(valueT(x) < valueT(y)) {
cout << hasLess(42, type<char>) << '\n'; // yields true
cout << hasLess(type<string>, type<string>) << '\n'; // yields true
cout << hasLess(type<string>, type<int>) << '\n'; // yields false
cout << hasLess(type<string>, "hello") << '\n'; // yields true